The Ultimate Guide to Mythical Water Creatures in Legends and Folklore

🌊🐚🐋 Ever wondered what kinds of creatures dwell within our unexplored oceans? From mythological monsters like the Kraken, to gentle fairytale creatures like Mermaids, read on for a full breakdown of magical beasts & spirits connected with water 🐋🐚🌊

The Ultimate Guide to Mythical Water Creatures in Legends and Folklore
Photo by David Clode / Unsplash

A large amount of the human population has an irrational fear of the watery depths of our planet's oceans and seas.

Maybe there's a good reason to be scared...

With 80% of our oceans still unexplored, who is to say that the infamous Loch Ness Monster isn't real?

Or that mermaids aren't swimming around in underwater kingdoms?

Until scientific advancements allow us to explore these uncharted underwater territories, it is left up to our imagination as to what may be down there.

This most often comes in the form of storytelling from weary fishermen or sailors who have seen something out of the ordinary in the open ocean.

Here on this list, you'll be able to recognise some of the watery beasts told in their seafaring tales, as they commonly make appearances in modern-day fantasy genre films/TV shows/books/etc.

This includes the Hippocampus, most notably seen in Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters. The Kraken, most notably seen in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Or the Chinese Dragon (Lóng), most notably seen in Marvel's Shang Chi.

So join me as we explore the watery mythical beasts/spirits/beings found in our ancient myths and legends.

Greek Mythology

Nymphs - Maidens of Nature

  • Appearance: Young and beautiful female maidens, who are often adorned in flowers and bathing in pools of water. They abide by the laws of chastity that Goddesses such as Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt, Wild Nature, and Chastity), Hestia (Goddess of the Hearth, Family, and Home), and Athena (Goddess of Wisdom, War Strategy, and Craft) uphold. However, some Nymphs were frequent lovers of Gods and mortals, such as Amphitrite who was chosen by Poseidon (God of the Sea, Earthquakes, and Horses) to be his wife & hence became Goddess of the Sea. 
  • Abilities: Nymphs are a lower class of deity, and can live incredibly long lives. They are often tied to particular features of nature, such as tree species, grottos, rivers, light, and even the Underworld. And if any harm comes to them, then the harm will simultaneously affect the nature they are tied to and vice versa. They also help to serve Gods and Goddesses in their festivities, hunts, and general Godly duties.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Very shy but friendly. Although if you were to harm one, then you'll most likely be cursed by one of the Greek Gods or Goddesses.
  • Types of Water Nymphs (the Hydirads & Naiads) include: the Haliae (Nymphs of the Sea, Seashores, and Sea Creatures), the Nereids (Nymphs of the Sea), the Oceanids (Nymphs of Freshwater, Streams, and Clouds), the Limnatides (Nymphs of Lakes), the Potameides (Nymphs of Rivers), the Pegaeae (Nymphs of Springs), the Heleionomae (Nymphs of Marshes and Wetlands), and the Crenaeae (Nymphs of Wells and Fountains).

Sirens - Sea Nymphs/Birds

  • Appearance: Very similarly to the Greek mythological Harpy, the Sirens are monstrous birds with their upper half being that of a beautiful and elegant woman.
  • Abilities: They have an irresistibly enchanting singing voice. So much so, that if you were to hear it, you would go mad and would follow their voices to certain doom, as they would drown you as soon as you get close enough to them. They most famously appear in Homer's 'Odyssey'.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Not friendly, will enchant you and drown you.

Aspidochelone - Giant Island Turtle

  • Appearance: This monolithic Turtle swims around the ocean inconspicuously with a giant island on top of its shell with its own little ecosystem.
  • Abilities: Be careful that you don't light a fire or spook this creature if you're on its back, as it may swim off/submerge and take you down with it.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Like normal turtles, they are quite sweet creatures living life at their own pace.

Charybdis - Giant Sea Monster

  • Appearance: Charybdis was once a Nereid Nymph born of Poseidon and Gaia (the Primordial Goddess of the Earth/Mother of all Creation) who was cursed by Zeus (King of Mount Olympus/God of the Sky) due to how she helped Poseidon in his feud against Zeus and would often cause disastrous tidal waves. Charybdis was turned into a ghastly and ginormous seaworm creature with hundreds of rows of shredding teeth, and 3 times a day she would suck in vast amounts of water and expulse it, which would henceforth cause there to be x3 high and low tides every day.
  • Abilities: With Scylla being her counterpart, they both guard the Strait of Messina which separates Italy from Sicily. If a ship decided to sail closer to Charybdis, then it would be met with a humungous whirlpool that would drag the entire ship straight to the centre where Charybdis would be waiting - ope-mouthed with countless rows of razor-sharp teeth - to devour the ship whole.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Absolutely dangerous, steer (your ship) clear.

Scylla - Sea Monster

  • Appearance: The tales of Scylla's origin differ, but some say that she was once a beautiful Nereid Nymph who caught the attention of many powerful suitors and Gods. Out of jealousy, the waters where Scylla lived were poisoned and she became a monstrous sea creature that instantly repulsed and terrified anyone unlucky enough to come into her presence. She grew x6 hideous heads with long winding necks. Around her belly grew x4 snarling dog heads. Her body/lower half transformed into a beastly cephalopod with x12 large tentacles. And if that wasn't already enough, she grew the tail of a cat too.
  • Abilities: With Charybdis being her counterpart, they both guard the Strait of Messina which separates Italy from Sicily. If a ship decided to sail closer to Scylla, she would randomly snatch & eat 6 of the sailors on board (one for each of her heads). Given that there's 3 rows of razor-sharp teeth in each of her heads, I'm certain this would be quite a horrific experience.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Most definitely dangerous and nightmarish.

Hippocampus - Sea Horse/Fish

  • Appearance: I'd say this is one of the most majestic and graceful sea creatures on this list. The Hippocampus has the front half of a horse, and the tail end of a fish, and is covered in glistening blue/green scales.
  • Abilities: These fantastical creatures are normally seen pulling chariots for the Greek Gods/Goddesses of the Sea. They have enhanced swimming abilities and can even control the water it swims within, creating whirlpools, ocean currents and tidal waves.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Very friendly beasts, but are only reserved for royalty.
  • Other types of half-fish 'campus' sea creatures: the Aegicampus (front half of a goat), the Taurocampus (front half of a bull), the Pardalocampus (front half of a leopard), and the Leocampus (front half of a lion).

Capricorn (Aegicampus) - Sea Goat/Fish

  • Appearance: With the front half of a goat, and the bottom half of a fish, these sea creatures are said to be descendants of the original Capricorn named Pricus who was created by Cronos (King of the Titans/God of Time).
  • Abilities: These Sea Goats have the ability to speak and think, and are also very intelligent and honour their word. However, they are naturally drawn to the seashores and land - the more time they spend out of the water, the more they evolve into the land/mountain goats that we know today. Pricus could not stop his children from leaving him to become mindless grazing animals, and so he begged Cronos to end his immortality/loneliness. Instead, Cronos turned Pricus into stars that form the Capricorn constellation, and he could once again see his children from up above.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: They're quite sweet and intelligent creatures. And might also want to head-but you.

Ichthyocentaurs - Sea Horse/Human/Fish

  • Appearance: Ichthyocentaurs are basically Centaurs, but instead of having two back legs on their lower horse-half, they have the aquatic tail of a fish. So their torso upwards is human, their lower front legs are that of a horse, and their lower back half is that of a fish. Kind of like a centaur-mermaid hybrid. There are two known Ichthyocentaurs called Bythos and Aphros who are said to be the sons of Poseidon and Amphitrite.
  • Abilities: They are benevolent sea creatures, most often helping assist the Greek Gods/Goddesses with sea or ocean-based duties.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: They're very peaceful creatures, and are quite friendly.

Arabic Mythology

Bahamūt - Water Dragon

  • Appearance: This creature is a fish that is absolutely giant in size.
  • Abilities: Bahamūt carries Kuyūthā (a cosmic oxen beast) on its back, as well as an angel standing on a ruby gemstone slab, and helps support with holding up the Earth from below.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Very supportive.

Armenian Mythology

Vishap - Water Dragon

  • Appearance: This aquatic beast can be found resting in lakes, mountains or the clouds, so is quite an elusive creature. They are most often serpent-like with their bodies covered in red and burgundy scales, a graceful mane, and also have x2 pairs of taloned claws and a magnificent pair of wings.
  • Abilities: They have incredibly long lifespans, sometimes up to 1000 years, and the older it is the larger it grows. Vishaps can cause huge thunderstorms and also have the ability to fly and breathe fire. Their blood is said to be incredibly poisonous, and any warrior's weapon dipped in the blood of a Vishap would kill their opponent upon impact.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: The tales vary, some can be benevolent and help aid during droughts, and others are more dangerous and will steal all the cattle to eat for themselves.

Burmese Folklore

Saba-Leippya - Butterfly Spirits/Guardians of Rice Paddies

  • Appearance: These are serene little spirits that appear as butterflies fluttering around rice fields and paddies.
  • Abilities: As guardians of the rice crops, there is normally one hovering above each field and tending to the successful growth and eventual harvest.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Very sweet and friendly fairies.

Chinese Mythology

Chinese Dragons (Lóng) - Water & Rain Dragons

  • Appearance: These utterly magnificent creatures have gigantic serpent-like bodies, with glistening scales in a variety of colours depending on the dragon type (scale colours include: Gold, Yellow, Red, Blue/Green, White, and Black). They also have elegant pointed horns, a luscious mane, and have x2 pairs of sharp taloned claws.
  • Abilities: The Chinese Dragon is one of the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs, and is therefore attributed to good luck, fortune, nobility, power, wealth, self-confidence, and generosity. They normally live within bodies of water and have mystical abilities that allow them to control water, rain and weather. Chinese Dragons can also change their size and will fend off evil spirits who seek to cause chaos and destruction. 
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Very friendly to those pure of heart, magnificent and fierce protectors.

The 9 types of Chinese Dragons (Lóng) include:

  1. Tianlong (Celestial Dragons that protect the Palace of the Gods) 
  2. Shenlong (Spiritual Dragons that control the wind and rain)
  3. Huanglong (Yellow Dragon that is said to be the reincarnation of the Yellow Emperor after his death, and can control the earth)
  4. Yinglong (the Winged Dragons are much older Dragons who developed wings with age. It is said they were the helpers of the Yellow Emperor when he was human/before his death & reincarnation into the Yellow Dragon)
  5. Long Wang (the Dragon King also known as the Azure Dragon is one of the 4 Great Beats in ancient Chinese Mythology and ruled the East/Spring season. The other Great Beasts were the Black Tortoise, the Vermilion Bird, and the White Tiger and ruled the North, South and West respectively)
  6. Panlong (the Coiled Dragon that lives in bodies of water and can control time)
  7. Jialong (the Aquatic Dragon is more primitive and closely resembles a crocodile, so lives in/controls rivers and floods)
  8. Fucanglong (the Treasure Dragon lives underground and protects precious stones, metals and anything of value)
  9. Dilong (the Underworld Dragons that control the rivers and seas, and is also the female equivalent of the Shenlong Dragons)

Japanese Folklore

Ikuchi - Sea Serpent Yōkai

  • Appearance: An eel/dragon-like sea serpent that is so long that it would take a ship 2-3 days to sail past one. It's also covered in oily goop.
  • Abilities: These non-harmful beasts will most likely want to coil themselves around ships passing by, which leaves heaps of goop behind on the deck and masts for the crew to clean up.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Friendly but very slimy.

Ningyo - Fish Mermaid 

  • Appearance: More fish-like in appearance than the Western mermaids, the Ningyo is more of a monkey-fish hybrid. They're quite small in size, ranging from the size of a salmon to the size of a seal.
  • Abilities: They can cause storms at sea, and can also bring misfortune to fishermen that capture them.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Dangerous, if you catch one, throw it back from whence it came!

Akugyo - Mermaid/Giant Fish Yōkai

  • Appearance: Gigantic half-woman half-fish creatures that are rarely seen and live near the bottom of the ocean. On their top human half, they have two Oni-like white horns on their head and flowing black hair. And on their bottom fish half, they have beautiful golden and speckled black scales.
  • Abilities: These monstrous creatures are able to spit fire from their mouths, and due to their humungous size, they often get ships stuck on their back.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Not particularly friendly, and their monstrous size is horrifying. 

Kamiike Hime - Fish Princess

  • Appearance: The Kamiike Hime is a giant fish with the head of a beautiful woman and deer-like antlers. They also have 3 jewels hanging along each side of their body (so 6 body jewels in total).
  • Abilities: Whenever they appear to humans, they will warn them of terrible prophecies yet to come.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Well, if you see one, it probably means something bad is going to happen...

Hōnengame - Turtle Yōkai

  • Appearance: They have the body of a large sea turtle, with wide hairy tails fanning out from behind their shell. Their head is that of a female with Oni-like white horns, and long flowing black hair.
  • Abilities: Much like the Kamiike Hime, it appears to humans to prophesise important upcoming events. In addition, having the image or charm/trinket of a Hōnengame is said to ward off evil spirits, and protect against misfortune.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Very helpful, but they prefer to live alone drifting around in the ocean.

Sazae Oni - Shapeshifting Sea Snail Demons

  • Appearance: These Oni are said to have once been promiscuous women and will often appear in their lustful human forms. Due to their promiscuous ways in their human life, they were sentenced to be mercilessly thrown to the sea. They reincarnated into monstrous Oni and their new true form is that of a humanoid Sea Snail protruding from a giant seashell.
  • Abilities: They have the ability to shapeshift back into their previous human form and will often use their seductive illusion to seduce sailors and steal their testicles.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Understandably vengeful.

Shachihoko - Tiger/Fish Sea Monster

  • Appearance: You'll be able to recognise this creature as it very often adorns Japanese architecture as gargoyle-like creatures atop rooftops on temples and castles. They have the snarling faces of tigers with square jaws and dagger-like teeth protruding, and the body/tail of a fish.
  • Abilities: The reason why they appear so commonly on rooftops is because they are said to summon clouds of rain or will release massive bursts of water that they can hold in their bellies if a fire were to break out, limiting the damage caused. So they are used as symbols of protection. 
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: They offer protection, but you certainly wouldn't want to come face-to-face with one of these beasts in the ocean.

Iwana Bōzu - Fish Yōkai

  • Appearance: A human-sized river fish that stands on two flipper feet and often gets mistaken for a Priest.
  • Abilities: They will normally be found along rivers and streams, and will tell people not to overfish/use harmful fishing techniques.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Friendly and will offer wholesome guidance on the river ecosystem.

Kappa - River Yōkai

  • Appearance: They're amphibian creatures with a slightly humanoid stature and a frog-like appearance. They have black hair in the shape of a bowl cut, and a circular dish-like depression in the centre of their heads which is bald and filled with water - if the water all falls out, then this may cause the Kappa to die. Their skin is covered in green-ish/blue-ish/brown-ish waxy scales, and they have the shell and mouth/beak of a turtle. They're about the size of a small child, but don't let this fool you!
  • Abilities: They're most often seen submerged in water with the top of their heads (from the eyes-up) poking out of the water. They are sometimes violently mischievous and will pull humans into the water to drown them or bite them to death. Other times they will just want to play sumo-wrestling with you. The Kappa are also highly intelligent within certain fields, so leaving them cucumbers (their favourite snack) will help entice them to become your friend and share their intelligence with you.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Very dangerous tricksters. If you come across one, give it a cucumber (it's favourite food apart from human flesh) and hope you never see one again. Although, a few Kappa can be friendly and teach things to humans.

Kawa Tengu - River Yōkai

  • Appearance: A large semi-human with a bird-like appearance, magnificent wings protruding from its back, and covered in dark feathers. The Kawa Tengu is normally spotted looking deep in thought atop a boulder near a stream or waterfall. 
  • Abilities: These Yōkai are humble fishermen who like to play tricks on those who overfish or upset the natural order of the environments near bodies of water, such as streams, waterfalls, lakes, etc. They can fly, use magic, turn invisible, and can also create small balls of fire which they throw across the top of the water as bait for fish. They are also highly intelligent, and if you are lucky enough to befriend a Kawa Tengu, they will impart ancient knowledge to you.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Friendly, but will play tricks on you if you don't respect nature.

Tatsu - Water Dragon

  • Appearance: Similar to the Chinese Dragons (Lóng), they are slender serpent-like beasts with 2 pairs of short legs with taloned claws. And also have deer-like antlers, catfish-like whiskers, and fur underneath its chin and down its spine. 
  • Abilities: They have the ability to shape shift into human forms, as well as fly, bring good fortune, and they can protect against floods, rain, and bad weather.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: They can be friendly and bestow wisdom/protection, but others can be quite conniving (especially when they're guarding their hoarded treasure and magical artefacts).

Ōgama - rainbow-breathing Toad Yōkai

  • Appearance: These giant toads are quite a sight to behold. They can stand upright on their back legs (sometimes reaching 3 ft tall) and are often seen carrying a spear.
  • Abilities: Due to their larger-than-average form, their long sticky tongues are much more able to catch bigger prey, and whenever these creatures breathe, their breath appears in beautiful refracted rainbow colours. As they are Yōkai, they also have the ability to shape shift into a human form.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Careful that it doesn't grab you with its tongue and eat you!

Korean Folklore

Yong (Mireu) - Water Dragons

  • Appearance: A long snake-like dragon covered in yellow/golden scales and a lush white mane, and has 2 pairs of short legs with taloned claws, as well as catfish-like whiskers attached to its snout.
  • Abilities: They mostly remain submerged within watery depths for the first portion of their lives, and even when they are fully grown, they will always stay close to bodies of water. They are very similar to the Chinese Dragon (Lóng) with the main difference being that they have an additional toe on each claw, and they instead command the 3 seas that surround Korea.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: They're friendly, but would be very rare for you to find one.

African Folklore

Inkanyamba - Waterfall Snake

  • Appearance: In South African mythology, this aquatic serpent-like creature is very similar to a large eel, and was said to live within rivers and lakes.
  • Abilities: Once a year you may spot this creature flying through the sky as it searches for a mate. And it may sometimes conjure hurricanes or tornadoes to fly around in.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Mostly harmless, but it would be quite terrifying to see one hurling towards you in a tornado.

Mokele-mbembe - River Dinosaur

  • Appearance: In central African mythology, the Mokele-mbembe is a hippo-sized dinosaur-like creature that is most often spotted near rivers and lakes. They have a long neck and a long tail, and are covered in reptilian scales in shades of grey or reddish-brown.
  • Abilities: These herbivorous amphibians frequent lakes and rivers, and will often submerge themselves in water for protection.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Quite friendly, but similarly to hippos, you should probably keep your distance.

Scandinavian / Norse Mythology

Fossegrim - Water Spirit

  • Appearance: They mostly appear as young handsome men with green eyes or hair, and fish gills where their ears should be.
  • Abilities: They are extremely talented at playing the fiddle, and the music they create with their instruments are so entrancing that it will lure men, women and children to come and dance by the river or waterfall where it is being played from. Some Fossegrim use this talent to drown people, and others will agree to teach this skill to humans if they promise to bring regular offerings (such as goats). If the offerings aren't up to par, then the Fossegrim will only teach you how to tune the fiddle. But if it finds the offerings acceptable, it will drag your hand across the strings of its fiddle until they bleed and then you will henceforth be able to play the fiddle as masterfully as they do. The Fossegrim also have the ability to create wind, birds chirping, rustling leaves and rushing water noises with their fiddles which can sometimes confuse people on their woodland walks. 
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: They're mostly friendly, and on some occasions, they have been known to live normal lives with women who have fallen in love with them.

The Kraken - Giant Squid Monster

  • Appearance: This infamous monster is gigantic in size and is definitely nightmare-inducing. They're described as being similar in appearance to an octopus or squid, and they can sometimes be mistaken for an island if the top of their heads are poking out from the water and covered in vegetation.
  • Abilities: They mostly prey on fish, but if your ship happens to sail past one, you will be very lucky if you survive. You can spot when a Kraken is rising to the surface of the ocean as they create humungous whirlpools. And if one of their many enormous tentacles grabs onto your ship, it will drag it down and submerge it within seconds.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: They have an unstoppable urge to hug ships, so very dangerous if you're on a ship.

Nixies (Nix) - Water Spirits

  • Appearance: Nixies/Nix are water spirits with a humanoid appearance and accents similar to a fish such as webbed hands/feet, gills, scaled skin, green & blue in appearance, etc. Additionally, this water spirit is called a Nixie if it is female, and a Nix if it is male. And they are most often found near rivers and lakes.
  • Abilities: They have the ability to shape shift so may appear to humans as a beautiful maiden or a mature older woman (or man) with a telling blue-green tint on their skin. They may even turn completely invisible. Or into a majestic & beautiful white horse - the most famous one being the Bäckahästen which is somewhat similar to Kelpies. Nixies/Nix love music and will entrance people towards their watery domains with the sweet lull of their singing voices.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: They can be friendly, they can be dangerous, and they can also be romantic lovers. Just depends on which one you come across.

Nickar - Water Demons

  • Appearance: These creatures are said to be the descendants of Nixies/Nix, but are much more malevolent creatures. They have darker features and look more like a stereotypical mermaid as their bottom half is that of a fish. Additionally, they often have long blonde or green hair.
  • Abilities: They thrive on tormenting seafaring folk by rocking boats, conjuring storms and tempests and massive waves, and if they grab hold of you they will try to drown you.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Definitely not friendly.

Slavic Folklore

Vodianoi - Water Spirits

  • Appearance: The Vodianoi most often are older males with mossy green beards/hair, long claws and a tail, and are filthily covered in wet mud and grass.
  • Abilities: It is said that the Vodianoi are spirits of those who have drowned, or whose bones are left in an unmarked watery grave. They will cause havoc, particularly around watermills and bridges, unless they are given a meaty farm animal offering to appease them.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Quite nasty spirits that will torment your village or will drown you if you get too close.

Rusalka - Water Fae

  • Appearance: Gracefully beautiful nymph-like Fairy maidens who are normally found close to lakes and rivers. Their long flowing hair is noticeably red or green in colour, and they wear beautiful silk gowns that twirl through the wind.
  • Abilities: Much like the Veela, the Rusalka have a ferocity to them that makes them fearsome guardians of nature. They are said to be the spirits of girls who drowned or tragically died in a violent way, which would explain why they return with a vendetta against humans. Most often they will use their seductive appearance as a way to entrance men and lead them to their watery graves.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: These fae are certainly not very friendly.

Bukavac - Swamp Creature

  • Appearance: This lizard-like creature is often larger than a horse in size and is commonly spotted around lakes, swamps, and marshlands. It's got x6 legs and a long tail as well as slimy skin and a long curved horn protruding from its head.
  • Abilities: Due to its size, the Bukavac is quite strong and can easily grab its unsuspecting prey. It may be a nocturnal creature, as most often targets people/animals at night.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Very dangerous, will try to drown you if you're not careful/vigilant.

Canadian / Inuit Folklore

Ogopogo (a.k.a N’ha-a-itk) - Water Serpent Spirit

  • Appearance: A long serpent-like water beast that's enormous in length, and is often spotted with its body forming multiple 'humps' above the water. Their heads are somewhat equine, and their scales are a greenish/black colour. 
  • Abilities: The First Nations people of Okanagan believed that bringing the N’ha-a-itk offerings (such as chickens) would grant them safe passage across large bodies of water.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Just as mysterious as the Loch Ness Monster. 

Qallupilluit - Hybrid Human/Fish Creature

  • Appearance: These sea creatures are humanoid in appearance and have fish-like accents (i.e. webbed hands/feet, gills on their necks, slits where there should be a nose, green/greyish slimy scaled skin, etc.). And if you spot one above water, they may be wearing a fuzzy Amautik which is commonly worn by Inuit mothers as it has a pouch on the back for carrying children.
  • Abilities: Capable of thriving within icy arctic waters, these mer-people were said to drown or kidnap unsuspecting children who got too close to the water. They would lure them in by humming a foreboding tune or tapping beneath the ice with their long hardened fingernails.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Definitely dangerous, hide your kids!

Jewish Mythology

Leviathan - Primordial Sea Monster

  • Appearance: This primordial sea creature is gigantic in size and has similar characteristics to European Dragons. It is one of the 3 primordial creatures that God created to rule the Water, Earth and Air in Jewish mythology - the other two creatures being Behemoth who rules the Earth, and Ziz who rules the Air.
  • Abilities: Nothing is able to rival this primordial beast's immense power over the seas. It can breathe fire and smoke from its nostrils, has indestructible scaled skin, and is the embodiment of tempestuous waters and floods. It is said that the Leviathan is also the gatekeeper of Hell, and when it opens its jaws it reveals the Hellmouth. Demonic and power-hungry in nature, this beast is also said to represent the Deadly Sin of Envy.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: The Leviathan was slain by God and fed to the righteous, so you don't need to worry about coming across it.

Celtic Folklore

Undine - Water Elemental

  • Appearance: The Undine are incredible and graceful Nymph-like women who dwell within bodies of water, and are the elemental embodiment of water.
  • Abilities: If they fall in love with a human, they themselves will become human and a spiritual bond is then formed with that human. If the human is ever unfaithful, they will lose their life.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Quite beautiful and romantic beings.

Loch Ness Monster - Water Beast

  • Appearance: One of the most famous mysteries in the world is that of the Loch Ness Monster. It's held international intrigue for centuries, but even now, it is still only speculation as to whether or not it really exists. From what we do know, it's an aquatic creature with a very long neck, so it could perhaps be a prehistoric Plesiosauraus, or something similar in shape/size.
  • Abilities: It's got a knack for poking its head out of the waters of Loch Ness and then disappearing the second that someone touches a camera.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Very camera shy.

Morgawr - Water Beast

  • Appearance: The Morgawr is very similar to the Loch Ness Monster, and is said to reside in the watery depths near Cornwall, Wales. It's assumed that this sea monster may in fact be a surviving dinosaur - the Plesiosaur.
  • Abilities: Great at playing hide and seek.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Likes to remain hidden and elusive.

Merrow - Mermaid Sea Creatures

  • Appearance: In Irish tales, the Merrow are mermaid fae who are beautiful women and men from the torso up, and have graceful fish-like tails on their lower half. They most often have long green or golden hair, and also wear caps.
  • Abilities: The caps that they wear allow them to travel long distances with tremendous speed, and to safely submerge down into their watery kingdom deep beneath the sea. Much like other mermaids on this list, they have beautiful singing voices that entrance people who hear it.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: They can be very lovely, or they can be very violent and rip your limbs off.

Kelpie - Sea Horse Fae

  • Appearance: Otherwise known as Ceffyl Dŵr in Welsh Folklore, these watery beasts appear as wild horses that are absolutely soaked in water. They will appear to be friendly and will try to nudge you onto its back for a ride, but their intention is far more sinister.
  • Abilities: If you touch one, even just with a pinky finger, you won't be able to remove yourself from the Kelpie and it will proceed to gallop towards the nearest body of water to drown you.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Very malicious yet beautiful creatures.

Selkie - Seal Fae

  • Appearance: These Fae are Seals for the majority of their lives, but can sometimes shed their skin and become human/lead normal human lives. Sometimes they are forced into this if another human steals their seal skin and forces the Selkie into becoming their bride (or groom). 
  • Abilities: They have the ability to shed their skin and shape shift into a human form, but only when the tides are right.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: If anything, humans are dangerous to them.

Fuaths - Sea Creatures

  • Appearance: These humanoid sea creatures are frightening beasts with green skin, bulging eyes, slits where their nose should be, and a yellow mane and tail. They will often reside in lochs, rivers, and the sea.
  • Abilities: They will often drown humans if they enter their territory, or if it is especially angered by humans, then it will cause all sorts of watery havoc such as rocking fishing boats, scaring seafaring folk, slaying spawns of fish when they're in season, etc.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: They're horrible and malevolent.

Dracae - Water Spirits

  • Appearance: These spirits appear as everyday objects such as wooden dishes, golden rings, metal goblets, etc. floating down a river.
  • Abilities: Dracae will shape shift into everyday household items as a way to entice women and children to grab them out of the water. When this happens, the Dracae will drag the woman or child down into the water where they enter into another realm. This is where the Dracae raise their children and they will force the human into servitude to look after their young.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Dangerous, don't go taking things that don't belong to you. Otherwise, you might regret it.

Medieval Folklore

Mermaids & Mermen - Human/Fish Sea Creatures

  • Appearance: Merfolk are beautiful men and women from the torso up, and have enchanting brightly coloured fishtails on their lower half.
  • Abilities: These creatures live in underwater kingdoms away from humans, and have the ability to communicate with sea life, are fierce protectors of their habitats, and have impressive swimming skills and beautiful singing voices.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Beautiful yet elusive sea creatures that inspire modern age fairytales.

Bishop Fish - Sea Creatures

  • Appearance: This strange fish creature has a face resembling a human and the shape of its skull is similar to a Mitre (the tall curved hat that Bishops normally wear). Their fins look like clawed hands, and their back tail is split in two, making it look like it has legs.
  • Abilities: They are somewhat sentient creatures as there was an occasion where one was captured and gifted to the King of Poland. And when a group of Catholic Bishops argued for the safe release of the fish, the creature made the sign of the cross and then swam away.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Somewhat friendly, will give you it's blessing if you're nice.

Brazilian Folklore

Encantado - Shapeshifting Dolphins

  • Appearance: These pink river dolphins can sometimes appear in human form - you can tell them apart from other humans as they have a pale-pink complexion, wear brightly-coloured old-fashioned/dapper clothes, and will normally always keep a hat on to cover up the dolphin blowhole on the top of their head.
  • Abilities: The Encantado have the ability to shape shift into human forms and have a natural curiosity towards human civilisation. They love parties, carnivals, and music, and will often be very flirtatious. If they find a woman they like, they may seduce and kidnap them and take them back to their own underwater civilisation called Encante. Other times they may impregnate them and return to the water, but will come back to kidnap their offspring.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Quite friendly, but maybe too friendly... 

Hawaiian Mythology

The Green Lady of Wahiawa - vengeful Ghost

  • Appearance: The Green Lady is definitely a cryptid straight out of a horror movie! Her skin is pale green and her long black hair is dripping with foul-smelling seaweed and algae.
  • Abilities: Similar to the legend of La Llorona, the Green Lady is said to be a vengeful spirit who cannot rest because she lost her child while walking through a Gulch (a V-shaped valley leading to oceans or streams, featuring Hawaiian forests and waterfalls). Her heartbreak is what ultimately killed her and traps her to this day, as she searches for and steals children to replace her own.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: Children should definitely steer clear.

Mo’o - Reptilian Water Guardian

  • Appearance: These creatures, if they choose to reveal themselves to you, will appear either as a tiny gecko, a very large dragon, or sometimes a beautiful maiden. And so the Mo'o are thought to be primarily female amphibious creatures that are as black as night in their reptilian forms. And usually live within bodies of water.
  • Abilities: They have the ability to shape shift and can control the weather. If they are angered by humans, then they will create humongous waves or masses of rainfall to destroy crops and livelihoods. But on the flip side, they can also be benevolent and use the weather to ensure a bountiful harvest and lots of fresh drinking water. When they die, it is said that their bodies become part of the landscape.
  • Friendly OR Dangerous?: If you treat them nicely, they will be kind to you in return.

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Currently residing in West Sussex, Maddie is a 26 y/o blogger and illustrator with a passion for mythology, legends, fairytales & folklore. You'll regularly find her escaping into fantasy books, films, TV, and games.