Modern Witchcraft: 7 Simple and Easy Tips for Busy Witches

Are you running out of time in the day to prepare for spellwork, research Book of Shadows topics, read your tarot cards, and just generally practice Witchcraft?

Well then, you're in luck! Here is a useful guide of tips and tricks on how you can fit in modern-day witchcraft practices around your hectic schedule.

Witchcraft isn't a hobby, it's a lifestyle & religion. The sacred beliefs and practices involved help to guide us towards our highest potential, and we use the Earth's natural resources (such as gemstones, the 4 elements, herbs, etc.) to provide us with the energy we need to achieve success in our goals/life purpose.

The media often depicts Witchcraft as a bit of a gimmick, but this is simply not the case.

Speaking from personal experience, it's incredibly beneficial for your mental health, self-worth, mindfulness, connection to nature, and so much more.

And Witchcraft is something that can be tailored specifically to you, as it is accepting of anyone and everyone.

That's why I strongly believe that even if we're being swept away by everything going on in our lives, we still make time to do something witchy to help centre ourselves and bring balance back into our lives.

I know this sometimes isn't easy, especially when we're lacking energy from working our full-time (or multiple) jobs, looking after the kids or dependents, or attending social events with peers/friends/family, etc.

That's where the below list of simple and easy witchy to-dos will come in handy, as it will fit nice and snuggly into your busy schedule.

Photo by Kira auf der Heide / Unsplash

1. Morning Brew

A nice warm brew is always the best way to start your morning routine and kickstart your day (even if you're not a Witch!). But, if you are a Witch, there's one step further you can go to make sure that your coffee or tea gives you a magical energy boost to your morning.

If you stir your brew clockwise, you will be drawing in and inviting the energy you are visualising/thinking of while you are stirring.

Therefore, if you stir your brew anti-clockwise, you will be banishing and casting out energies that you do not want in your day.

So, for example, if you have a presentation at work coming up, you could either stir your brew clockwise while making it your intention to bring in positive, energetic, fun and confident energies. Or you could stir your brew anti-clockwise to banish those pesky nerves, doubts and worries.

Photo by Seth Doyle / Unsplash

2. Water Cleansing

Similarly to the above, this tip will help you focus on setting your intentions of what you want to bring/wash out of your life.

While having a bath or shower (or even washing your hands), focus on the energy of the water trickling over your skin, and focus on how it is cleansing you.

Then think of what you want to be cleansed away with the water. Perhaps you have been feeling low about your appearance, so imagine that heavy and tormenting energy flowing away with the water and down the drain.

On the other hand, you can also envision the water as little glowing drops of refreshing and revitalising energy as it drips its way across your skin.

Photo by Content Pixie / Unsplash

3. Wear what you want to Attract

For those who are in love with the whole Witch aesthetic, this is the tip for you!

Wearing gemstones/charms/symbols as a piece of jewellery can greatly enhance your ability to attract your desired energy into your life.

If you're going on a date, it may be good to wear rose quartz and aventurine to attract love and good fortune.

If you're needing reassurance, then you can wear an evil eye charm for protection and to ward off negativity.

Or if you're into Planetary magic, then you can wear a symbol based on the current planetary alignments, moon phase, or zodiac sign, to draw in its potent energies.

Photo by Rhema Kallianpur / Unsplash

4. Connect with your Divination Tools in your Sleep

This is definitely the easiest tip on this list.

If you've recently purchased a new tarot deck or set of runes, sleeping with them under/beside your pillow is an excellent way to help you connect with these tools of Divination.

Doing this may even bring you spiritual messages in your dreams!

So try to write down anything that you remember as soon as you wake up.

Photo by rishikesh yogpeeth / Unsplash

5. Ground Yourself

If you have a dedicated exercise regime throughout the week, yoga is a great form of exercise to squeeze into your schedule.

It helps to usher in a sense of peace, being one with your body, and grounding yourself.

Even if you don't have time for yoga (or just don't enjoy it), the simple act of planting your feet on the floor as you get out of bed in the morning, and taking a moment to ground yourself is really beneficial to centre your mind, body and soul.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

6. Whisper your Gratitude

While this can be a bit of an odd one to get used to at first, whispering your thanks and gratitude to the Universe can be a great way of manifesting and attracting more goodness and fulfilment into your life.

Following similar aspects of the Law of Attraction, the Universe (or whatever/whomever you believe in) will listen and provide you with more of what you are focussing on.

And if you are focussing on your gratitude of certain aspects of your life that make you happy and fulfilled, then the Universe will naturally provide you with more happiness and fulfilment.

It also provides you with somewhat of a positive mindset shift (which may be a reason why you start to notice more positive things happening to you, and attribute it to the Universe listening to your whispers of gratitude).

But one way to really tell if the Universe is listening is to watch out for signs such as: repeating numbers, repeating colours, repeating words, or words of significance, etc.

Photo by Sarah Brown / Unsplash

7. Take a Quick Walk

Even if it's only a quick 10-minute walk, the exercise and fresh air (as well as being near nature) will do you a world of good.

On your way, you can test your Hedge Witch knowledge by trying to guess the species/names of trees and plants you walk by on your journey.

Or you can use the time to have a quiet and mindful reflection with yourself.

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Currently residing in West Sussex, Maddie is a 26 y/o blogger and illustrator with a passion for mythology, legends, fairytales & folklore. You'll regularly find her escaping into fantasy books, films, TV, and games.